Компания EK Water Blocks анонсировала, что ей придется поднять цены на некоторые продукты в среднем на 8 процентов. В качестве причины такого шага указывается повышение стоимости сырья, трудозатраты, а также дефицит некоторых материалов. Цены будут повышены 31 марта.
EKWB не указывает, каких именно продуктов коснется повышение цены. Словенский производитель специализируется на системах водяного охлаждения, и за последние месяцы он получил немало критики за высокие цены новых продуктов. Вряд ли энтузиасты водяного охлаждения обрадуются дальнейшему росту цен.
Подписывайтесь на группу Hardwareluxx ВКонтакте и на наш канал в Telegram (@hardwareluxxrussia).
Dear and valued EK customers,
In light of full transparency, we wanted to inform you of some changes that will be taking place in the coming weeks. Due to various factors like raw material sourcing difficulties, material prices, and labor costs, we will raise the prices of a selected range of our products.
These changes will occur on March 31, 2023, and the price increase will only affect certain products. Those prices will increase by 8% on average, applying to any selected product or product line our company currently offers.
We assure you we have not made this decision lightly but were forced to do so due to all the recent changes in the market.
Since our priority is the satisfaction of our customers and community, we are following your feedback. We heard you on what improvements you’d like to see and are committed to further improving our design, quality, and customer support to fulfill your expectations.
We remain committed to providing you with the best possible products and customer service, and this price increase will allow us to continue to do so. We understand that you have choices when it comes to your purchasing decisions, and we appreciate your continued support and loyalty to our brand.
If you have any questions or concerns about these changes, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
Thank you for your understanding.
Team EK