HP открывает мобильное подразделение для разработки потребительских планшетов


hp neu18 августа 2011 года компания HP заявила, что прекращает выпуск планшетов TouchPad на базе собственной операционной системы webOS. Причиной была названа смена курса компании. Но как ни парадоксально, ровно год спустя на сайте The Verge появилось эксклюзивное сообщение о том, что HP открывает новое мобильное подразделение, которое займётся разработкой планшетов для потребительского рынка.

Мобильное подразделение "Mobility Global Business Unit" будет основано внутри подразделения "Printing and Personal Systems Group". Возглавит его Альберто Торрес (Alberto Torres), который ранее курировал проект Nokia MeeGo. К своим новым обязанностям Торрес приступит в сентябре. Какая операционная система будет выполнять роль программной платформы на таких устройствах, пока неясно. Возможно, это будет планшет на Windows 8.

Изменение курса компании HP весьма удивительно. Впрочем, для потребителей совсем не плохо, если на рынке планшетов появится ещё один конкурент. Особенно если у этого конкурента будет доступ к таким ресурсам, как у HP.

The Verge опубликовал служебную записку, написанную вице-президентом компании HP Тоддом Брэдли (Todd Bradley):

As the world's largest PC and printing business, we make it matter for hundreds of millions of people each and every day. Today we are taking an important step to serve even more customers in new and exciting ways.
I am pleased to announce that we are creating a team dedicated to delivering the best mobility solutions in the industry. With this move, we are building on our commitment to re-invest in mobility via dedicated leadership, focused research and development, amazing new products and a growing suite of applications and services.
Our new Mobility Global Business Unit initially will focus on consumer tablets and will expand to additional segments and categories where we believe we can offer differentiated value to our customers. Our existing notebook teams, including our soon-to-be launched commercial tablet, will remain within the PC GBU under James Mouton at this time.
To lead the Mobility GBU, I am thrilled to announce that we have recruited a proven executive from the mobile-device industry. Alberto Torres, who most recently oversaw the MeeGo products and platform at Nokia as Executive Vice President, will join HP as Senior Vice President of Mobility, reporting to me.
I am excited to have Alberto join us. During his seven years at Nokia, he held a variety of critical leadership positions, including two years on the company's Executive Board. In earlier roles at Nokia, Alberto ran the company's premium brand, its accessory and CDMA businesses and corporate strategy. Prior to Nokia, he was a partner at McKinsey and Company, where he worked with industry leaders in mobile devices, consumer technologies, software and Internet services. A Ph.D in computer science from Stanford University, Alberto currently holds vice chairman roles with the firms Bang & Olufsen and Opera Software. Alberto's first order of business will be to accelerate our tablet strategy and begin to execute products against our consumer/SMB target. The exact structure of his team will follow that strategy.
Alberto's start date will be September 3. Please join me in welcoming Alberto to HP and in supporting him and his team in their important work.